What happened here? Explore the history of Stockholm with your smartphone.

Lightning Talk
Sofia Dahlquist, Stockholmskällan, Sweden

Published paper: What happened here? Explore the history of Stockholm with your smartphone

What happened in the streets of Stockholm 50, 100, or 700 years ago? The answer is in your smartphone. At the website Stockholmskällan, you can experience the history of Stockholm and its citizens in words, images and sounds—at your exact location. Stockholmskällan´s geotagged historic material bring the space and time of Stockholm´s past, present, and future together. Every year, over 500,000 people explore a combination of original photographs, maps, letters, police reports, paintings, films, music, and literature. The combination of different types of artifacts clearly shows how Stockholm has evolved, and the many voices of everyday life experiences in past times brings history closer to us.

Stockholmskällan is a cooperation between Museums, Archives, Libraries and the Education department in Stockholm. The aim is to enable digitiszed historical primary sources and artifacts to the public in general, and especially to schools, in order to make it easier to use primary sources when teaching history. Stockholmskällan received the Heritage in Motion Award 2017 in the category of “websites and online content.” The website was also awarded with the gold medal in the competition The Swedish Design Price 2017.

Severin, IW. & Malm, U. (2006). "Stockholmskällan" Blick : Stockholm då och nu, Stockholms stadsmuseiförvaltning (https://stockholmskallan.stockholm.se/PostFiles/SMF/SD/SSMB_0024579_01.pdf).
Starck Lindfors, F. (2013) Stockholmskällans utveckling 2010-2013, Utbildningsförvaltningen, Stockholm (https://stockholmskallan.stockholm.se/ContentFiles/UTB/Om%20Stockholmsk%C3%A4llan/Stockholmsk%C3%A4llans_utveckling_2010_2013_slutgiltig.pdf)
