Getting It All Done – Digital Project Planning for Museums
Samantha Diamond, CultureConnect, USA, Heather Marie Wells, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, USA
One of the most critical times in a project’s life-cycle that determines success is at the very beginning – before mock ups, before a single line of code is written, before any money is spent. In this workshop, we will work through a series of concepts, best practices and hands-on exercises with participants that will help project leaders and their teams define project goals and use frameworks for ensuring they are realized.
Heather-Marie Wells, Digital Media Project Manager at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and Samantha Diamond, CEO of CultureConnect have created a Digital Project Planning Packet. The many lessons learned, best practices and the blood, sweat and tears of across many digital projects have inspired the Packet’s creation. It addresses a cross-section of topics from stakeholder management, goal setting and audience targeting to funding, maintenance, visitor’s services training, and content development.
Participants who come out of this workshop will:
• Complete an actionable ‘digital project planning packet’ during the session through hands-on exercises they can share and implement back at their museums.
• Be equipped to better manage and communicate goals with internal or external digital project teams.
• Communicate more compelling, results-oriented proposals for digital projects
• Develop goals for digital projects leveraging industry best practices
This session is ideal for museums with an upcoming or ongoing project to workshop during the session. We will begin with an overview of concepts, have individuals and/or small groups work through a section of the Packet for a few moments, and then share results with the larger group for discussion.
A PDF of the Digital Planning Packet can be provided.