Beyond the Walls | #MW18-SB

Saturday, April 21, 2018: 11:00am - 12:20pm
Junior Ballroom C

Chair: Ben Fast

Tasting Together - Podcasts and Meaningful Community Engagement
- Michael Schwartz, The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, Canada, April Thompson, Jewish Museum & Archives of BC, Canada

Possibilities and Constraints for Virtual Visits: Experimental Approaches to VR at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
- Sara Snyder, Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery, USA

The Future of Media determines the Future of Museum. (Some remarks in the current situation of the Post-NMC era)
- Harald Kraemer, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R.

Y Tho: Art Memes’ New Online Literacies and Modes of Everyday Engagement
- Meredith Whitfield, Field Museum, USA